Professional Coaching Certification:
Quantum Coaching
Enhance your personal development and your professional skills
Program Overview
ChoicePoint Professional Coaching Certification: Quantum Coaching is designed for HR Professionals, practicing coaches and those who seek to expand their coaching competencies in a professional application such as general management and leadership development.
The certification program is a seven-month process that is conducted via webinar and teleclass. The program begins with 2 three hour webinars — with the option for Colorado residents or others to travel to Boulder and attend live.
This in-depth skills training includes experiential learning of coaching models and tools, "live" coaching clinics, classroom sessions, coaching of the certification candidates and one-on-one supervision of actual coaching sessions.
Participants will gain core coaching competencies as well as a greater degree of self-awareness and personal leadership development.
We believe that coaching skills are enhanced when coupled with this self-awareness.
Certification Program Benefits
• Participation in a rigorous program that enhances your personal development as well as your professional skills
• In depth, one-on-one feedback on your coaching skills and competencies
• Increased confidence to develop meaningful, authentic coaching relationships which deeply serve those you are coaching
• Affiliation with a network of professional coaches
• On-going education opportunities
What You Will Learn
• Distinctions between coaching, managing and counseling
• Distinctions between performance management, professional coaching, executive coaching and transformational coaching
• Core process/roadmap of the coaching engagement
• Skills for conducting 4 levels of coaching conversations
- Level 1 – Actions and Behaviors
- Level 2 - Frames, Mental Models
- Level 3 - Social and Emotional Intelligence, Identities
- Level 4 - Vision, Values and Transpersonal Perspectives
Methodologies and Tools Include
• Co-active Coaching
• Creating Useful Development Plans
• Difficult Feedback and
Difficult Conversations
• Delineating and Unpacking
Mental Models
• Shifting Frames
• Emotional Resonance and Flexing
• Developing Your Own Emotional Literacy
• Identity Coaching
• Four Gateways Coaching
• Integral Coaching: Integrating Values with Action at the Individual and Systemic Level
Webinar Session Dates/Times
- Thursday, May 19: 10 am-2pm (MST), 9-1 (PST), noon-4 (EST)
- Thursday, June 2 or June 9 TBD: 10 am -1 pm (MST), 9-noon (PST), noon-3pm (EST)
• Fundamentals of Coaching
• Coaching Roadmap
• Coaching for Empowerment
• Levels of Coaching
• Level 2: Macro-structural Patterning
• Level 3: Identity Coaching
• Level 4: Vision/Values
• Development Plan
Teleclasses (Dates and Times TBD with Group)
• Personal Mastery
• Action Science in Coaching
• Dealing with Difficult Situations
• Mental Models and Action Science
• Coaching Practicum
About the Faculty
Over the past 20 years, Ron Kertzner and Susan Jordan Kertzner have coached hundreds of executives in and designed in-depth coaching programs for:
• General Electric
• Aera Energy
• Intuit
• Shell
• Gartner Group
• General Motors
• Motorola
• Lundy Foundation
• International Paper
Ron and Sue each bring a unique perspective to coaching work, a perspective that looks at coaching from a transformative, systemic point of view. They seek to integrate purpose, values, emotional intelligence and generative action in their coaching curriculum.
Their coaching program integrates models learned from their work with:
Harvard Negotiation Project,
MIT Center for Organizational Learning, Robert Fritz’s
Structural Consulting, Leading Learning Communities’
Transformational Coaching Program and
Four Gateways Coaching
$2,995 >
$1,995 per participant if registered by April 15, 2016
Price includes:
- 2 half day webinars
- 6 teleclasses (1.25 hours each)
- 6 individual coaching sessions with faculty
- 2 individual supervision sessions with faculty
Payment options
We have two payment options; you can either pay through PayPal (for credit card use), or we will invoice your organization (please provide a P.O. number).
To register, please contact Sue Jordan-Kertzner
Once you receive an email confirmation, you can then use PayPal for your course fees.
Questions? Call or email us, and we will be happy to work with you!