Facilitation A collaborative and responsive work force is critical to the successful launch of any new initiative. Similarly, a united vision lies at the heart of success for both corporations and not-for-profit organizations. On the other hand, everything can grind to a halt due to deep-seated issues not being confronted. Facilitation by a third party plays a vital role in achieving breakthroughs. ChoicePoint brings a broad experience to its facilitation. At the heart of ChoicePoint"s approach to facilitation is the requirement for time to be devoted to reflection. Without that key ingredient we have found it becomes an exercise in simply moving the chairs and tables around while everyone"s thinking continues down the same old tracks. Our approach to facilitation has been applied to Group Facilitation, Change Process Design and Management and Commitment Building. ChoicePoint has worked with the US Congress, Parliament of the World's Religions and the UN Task Force on Overpopulation as well as with many corporate clients such as GE, Motorola, Intuit Ceridien Corporation and a number of not-for-profit institutions.
“They are phenomenal teachers, facilitators, consultants, motivators; they are all of these."
Melodee Morrison
Former Manager of Leadership Development for the Center for Learning and Organizational Excellence, GE Capital
“They are very skillful [as facilitators] at keeping the trust level and the openness of communication very high which obviously has the benefit of producing the best resolution at the end of the day."
Michael Markovits
VP Global Executive and Organization Capability, IBM