
Ron Kertzner

I deeply believe that people have the inherent capacity to create meaningful results in all areas of the lives. My work as a coach is to create an environment where individuals can develop the insight, knowledge, skills and opportunities to become more effective and fulfilled. Through deep listening to others" needs and concerns and access to a variety of coaching tools and

methodologies, I allow wisdom and intuition to guide my coaching conversations. I do not come with a set "˜agenda" of how I am going to "˜fix" the issue. Rather, through a skillful blend of asking good questions, making creative suggestions and listening to what is actually happening in the conversation, creative, empowering solutions emerge.

My coaching work spans the organizational spectrum from CEO"s to Executive Vice-Presidents to mid-upper level managers to emerging leaders. Coaching topics include: executive development, building a strong organizational culture, handling conflict/difficult situations, work-life balance, career development and life purpose.

I bring 20 years of experience coaching individuals in a variety of settings. I draw on my work on collaborative leadership, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence and personal mastery. I have a certification in “Transformational Coaching" and was ordained as an interfaith minister in 2005 to help those seeking to connect with their deeper values in their work and life.

You can reach me at: [email protected].

"My life is so much more free and comfortable and at the same time so much more effective than it was before I ever did coaching with Ron. So much more fun and yet so much more effective in achieving both my goals and my goals at the various institutions I work for. So much less work to accomplish so much more. That's how my life feels now."


"extremely warm and caring ¦ very much able to get in touch with who he's working with ¦ very competent and intuitive."




ChoicePoint Consulting

1910 7th Street

Boulder, CO 80302